What is the definition of racism?


Racism is the belief that certain races are superior or inferior to others, which can lead to discrimination, prejudice, and unequal treatment based on a person's race or ethnicity. It is important to understand that people should be treated equally, regardless of their race or ethnicity, and racism is not acceptable.


Racism is a belief that one race is superior to another and that the differences between races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the notion that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that certain races are inferior to others. This belief often leads to discrimination and prejudice against people of other races.


For advanced learners, the definition of 'racism' can be described as a belief system or ideology that assigns inherent characteristics and qualities to individuals based on their race or ethnicity, often resulting in discrimination, prejudice, and unequal treatment of individuals or groups who do not fit the perceived racial or ethnic norms. It is a complex social, cultural, and political phenomenon that has far-reaching consequences for society and individuals, and is perpetuated by the systems and structures of power and privilege that exist in our societies. At its core, racism is the dehumanization of individuals based on their racial identity, and it is an ongoing challenge to dismantle and eradicate this destructive force from our communities.