What is the definition of personification?


Personification is a literary device where a non-human object or animal is given human qualities, traits, or actions. For example, "The wind whispered in my ear."


Personification is a literary device where inanimate objects, animals, or abstract ideas are given human qualities, characteristics, or actions. By doing so, the object, animal, or idea takes on human-like qualities that help the reader to better understand and relate to them in the context of the story or poem. For example, "the wind howled through the trees" or "the flowers danced in the breeze" are both examples of personification.


In advanced English, personification is defined as a literary device in which a non-human object or idea is given human traits, emotions, or qualities. This helps to create imagery and deeper meaning in the text by allowing the reader to better relate to the subject being personified on a human level. Personification is commonly used in poetry, fiction, and other forms of creative writing to convey complex ideas and feelings.