What is the definition of obscure?


The word 'obscure' means something that is not clear or difficult to understand. It can also mean something that is not well-known or not easily accessible.


As an English teacher, I would define the word 'obscure' for intermediate learners as something that is not well-known or difficult to understand. It can relate to information, speech, writing or anything else that is not clear or easily comprehensible. When something is obscure, it is often hard to define or explain, and people may struggle to understand it.


As an English teacher, I would define the word 'obscure' for advanced learners as: not well-known, obscure refers to something that is mysterious, or difficult to understand or identify. It is often used to describe something that is hidden, perplexing, or vague. In literature, an obscure reference or allusion would be one that is difficult to decipher or understand without extra context or knowledge. Additionally, in music or the arts, an artist or work that is considered 'obscure' may have a smaller following or limited recognition compared to more popular or well-known artists or works.