What is the definition of knowledge?


Knowledge is the understanding and awareness of information, facts, skills, and abilities acquired through education, experience, or study.


For intermediate level, the definition of the word 'knowledge' is the understanding gained through learning, study, or experience. It refers to the accumulated body of information and skills that are acquired over time, and can be both theoretical and practical in nature. Knowledge can be factual, conceptual or procedural, and can be applied to various areas of study, including science, history, literature, art, and many others.


For advanced learners, knowledge can be defined as the understanding and awareness acquired through experience, education, observation, or investigation. It involves the ability to apply theoretical concepts to real-world situations, analyze and synthesize information, and make informed judgments and decisions. Advanced knowledge often requires critical thinking skills and the ability to think abstractly and creatively to solve complex problems. It is a lifelong pursuit characterized by curiosity, exploration, and a commitment to continuous learning and growth.