What is the definition of irony?


Irony is a situation where the expected outcome or result is different from what actually happens, often in a humorous or sarcastic way.


Irony refers to a situation in which something unexpected happens, or the opposite of what is expected occurs. Irony can be situational, such as when the outcome of a situation is the opposite of what was expected, or dramatic, such as when the audience knows something that the characters in a story do not. Verbal irony occurs when a person says something but means the opposite, and it is typically used to suggest humor or sarcasm.


The definition of irony for advanced understanding is the use of language that may typically signify the opposite of its literal meaning, often used to express a feeling of humor, sarcasm, or contemptuous mockery. Irony can also be situational, when an event contradicts expected outcomes or is the opposite of what was intended or anticipated. Additionally, dramatic irony occurs in literature when the audience knows more about the situation than the characters, creating suspense or tension.