What is the definition of insanity?


Insanity is a legal and medical term that generally refers to a state of mind in which a person's mental ability is significantly impaired, preventing them from making rational decisions and behaving in a socially acceptable manner. It can be caused by various factors, such as mental illness, trauma, or substance abuse. In common language, insanity is often used to describe extreme or erratic behavior.


I would define 'insanity' as a state of being mentally ill or deranged to such a degree that one is unable to function normally in society. It can also refer to extreme foolishness or irrational behavior.


For advanced learners, the definition of the word "insanity" would be a severe mental disorder that impairs a person's ability to think, feel, and behave clearly and rationally. It can be characterized by delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech and behavior, and a lack of insight into one's own condition. Insanity can be caused by various biological, psychological, and environmental factors, and requires professional medical and/or psychiatric treatment.