What is the definition of gravity?


Gravity is the force that attracts all objects toward each other. It is what keeps us on the ground and what keeps the planets in orbit around the sun. It is one of the fundamental forces of nature that shapes our universe.


Gravity is a force that attracts objects with mass towards one another. It is the reason why objects fall to the ground and why the Earth orbits around the sun. The strength of gravity depends on the mass of the objects and their distance from each other.


For advanced learners, the definition of the word 'gravity' could be explained as a fundamental force of nature that attracts any two bodies with mass towards each other. This force is proportional to the masses of the bodies and the distance between them. It is responsible for the formation, motion, and behavior of celestial bodies such as planets, stars, and galaxies. The concept of gravity is also important in modern physics as it helps to explain the behavior of matter and energy on different scales, from the subatomic level to the large scale structure of the universe.