What is the definition of force?


Force is a push or pull that makes an object move, stop or change direction. It can also change the shape or size of an object.


The word 'force' can have several meanings depending on the context. As an intermediate English learner, one of the definitions for the word 'force' could be: a physical power or strength that is used to move something or someone, such as a push or a pull. For example, "The wind was so strong that it forced the door open."


The definition of the word 'force' for advanced can vary depending on the context in which it is used, but generally it refers to a physical or mental power that is exerted to achieve a desired result. In physics, it refers to the influence that can cause a change in the motion of an object, such as gravity or friction. In social or political contexts, it can refer to the use of physical or psychological means to influence or control others. In psychology, it can refer to a motivating factor that drives someone to act in a certain way.