What is the definition of communism?


Communism is a political and economic system where the government owns and controls all property and resources. The idea is that everyone should have equal opportunities and resources, and that wealth should be distributed fairly among all members of society. In a communist system, individuals do not have the right to own private property or businesses, and the government makes decisions on how resources are allocated for the benefit of the whole community.


Communism is a political ideology that advocates for the establishment of a society in which property is publicly owned, economic production and distribution is controlled by all members of the society, and the societal class system is eliminated. In a communist system, individuals contribute to society according to their abilities and receive goods and services according to their needs. The aim of communism is to create a classless society where the wealth and resources are evenly distributed and everyone has an equal share in decisions that affect their lives.


Communism is a political and economic ideology that seeks to establish a classless society in which all property and resources are publicly owned and controlled by the community as a whole, rather than being owned and controlled by individuals or private entities. This is typically achieved through the establishment of a socialist economic system, which prioritizes collective ownership and centralized planning over free market mechanisms. In communism, the goal is to eliminate the exploitation and oppression of marginalized groups, and to promote greater social equality and solidarity among all members of society.