What is the definition of stagnation?


Stagnation means a state of not moving, growing, or developing, which can be related to a lack of progress or activity. It refers to a situation where there is no change or improvement, and things are not moving forward. For example, if a person is stuck in the same job with no promotion, they might feel like their career is in a state of stagnation.


Stagnation means a state of no activity or development, often used to describe a lack of progress in a particular area or situation. It could also refer to a state of being still, sluggish, or not moving.


Stagnation is a state of not flowing or moving, often used in a metaphorical sense to describe a lack of progress, growth, or development. In an advanced context, stagnation may refer to a situation where an industry, economy, or society has reached a point where it is no longer improving or evolving. It is also often used to describe an individual's lack of personal growth or progress, either in terms of their career or personal life.